Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As Lysette graduates from High School and Dean from his Air Force Basic Training, I've been pondering what life holds for them. I think back to my High School graduation and realize I was so young and naive yet I felt so grown up and ready to go out into the world. Many people ask me how I feel about my two kids "graduating". Sad? Lonely? Nervous? For some reason, most assume I am having difficutly with these transitions when in actuality I'm excited to see what my kiddos will accomplish and how they will go about finding their own way in this world. I encouage them, applaud them and pray that they will make good choices for themselves with guidance from the Holy Ghost. But I have faith in these two young adults Jeff and I have raised. I know this caring, generous, patriotic, sensitive and fun loving young man and this kind, humble, honest, responsible and easy going young lady will make their own way, making mistakes along the way (don't we all), but learning and growing and becoming the people I know they have the potential to be. Signed, their proud mom

1 comment:

Carla said...

I couldn't agree more--not only with the faith in their future, but in their descriptions as well. In deed, kind, generous, sensitive and all-together lovely kids you have raised!
signed, their loving Aunt, Carla :)